The 6th Invest in ME

International ME/CFS Conference 2011

The Way Forward for ME - A Case for Clinical Trials



Online Registration via email

Due to the conference registration nearing closure we have now removed the online payment for tickets.

If you would like to attend the conference please use the form below and state which category of ticket you would like or contact Invest in ME via email.

Access to the event venue will be limited to “Ticket-Only” . Tickets are not transferable.

The costs include the conference, plenary session, tea/coffee/refreshments during the morning and afternoon, and a hot buffet lunch.

Choose one of the ticket options below:

Professional rate  For Professional Healthcare staff and others £120
Sponsored Professional rate For GPs and healthcare staff registered via a local ME/CFS Support Group £100
Charity rate   For charities and non-profit registered ME support groups Please apply to Invest in ME
Concessionary patient rate   For people with ME and/or their accompanying or immediate carers Please apply to Invest in ME
Concessionary Student rate   For students Please apply to Invest in ME


Contact Details:

Family Name

First Name

Title (e.g. Mr/Mrs)

Age (if under 18yrs)

E-mail Address

Postal Address

Address Line 1

Address Line 2


Post Code/Zip




Telephone No

Organisation Name (if appropriate)

Comments or Questions  

Important - Please Read These Notes:
Submission of this completed Registration to Invest In ME (via the Submit Registration Form button above), will register the application for a ticket covering the requested attendance day at the event entitled “The 6th International IiME ME/CFS Conference 2011”.  Access to the event venue will be limited to “Ticket-Only” and Personal Identification will be required for proof of identity. Tickets are not transferable.

Under the Data Protection Act (1998), you agree to your details being retained by Invest In ME for the purposes of managing this event. 

Disabled Access
Disabled access is available but wheelchair places may be limited by the venue owners and need to be reserved beforehand. IiME cannot guarantee that a wheelchair place will be available and applications are treated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please see the venue page by clicking the VENUE button on the left of this page.

One completed Registration Form is required for each individual wishing to attend.

No refunds will be considered for no-shows. Refunds will be considered if written notice is received by 15th March 2011. No refunds will be given after this date.

Only the person named on the ticket may attend the conference. However, substitutions may be accepted provided Invest in ME is informed and if Invest in ME agrees to the substitution at least two weeks prior to the event.

Invest In ME is not liable for any loss or damage as a result of substitution, alteration, postponement or cancellation of the event due to causes beyond its control including, without limitation, natural disasters, sabotage, accident, trade or industrial disputes or hostilities.

Concession Rates are offered to ME patients or their immediate carers and to Students. The number of concessionary tickets is limited and will be dealt with on a first-come-first-served basis. We will be maintaining a priority waiting list for those who, initially, have not been able to obtain a place.

CPD Accreditation
CPD accreditation forms will only be supplied to those registering using the professional category.

The views expressed at the 6th International IiME ME/CFS Conference 2011 by the presenters and delegates to the conference and any information material distributed are their own personal opinions that are not shared or endorsed by the Trustees of IiME. IiME accept no responsibility for the views expressed or any subsequent action taken.
The contents of any presentation should not be deemed to be an endorsement, recommendation or approval of such content by Invest in ME. The materials presented at the International ME/CFS Conference 2011 do not constitute medical advice.

No medical recommendations are given or implied by Invest in ME.
Any person registering or attending the conference who may take any action or consider medical treatment or referrals should take detailed advice from their own medical practitioner.

IiME disclaims any implied guarantee about the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or relevance of any information contained at the conference. By registering for or attending the conference you agree that Invest in ME is not liable for any complications, injuries, loss or other medical problems arising from, or in connection with, the use of or reliance upon any information contained in the conference.