Opening Speaker at the IIMEC13 Conference
Changing research into ME - to benefit the many, not the few
February 2018: Unfortunately, we have heard from Mr Corbyn's office that, due to other engagements, he is now unable to present at the IIMEC13 conference in 1st June.
Although disappointed we are continuing our plans and the conference already has the best researchers in the world presenting on their biomedical research into ME.
From our November newsletter
Plans and preparations continue for our international ME conference week in May/June 2018 in London.
#IIMEC13 is the 13th International ME Conference and takes place in a week where Invest in ME Research also hold the international research colloquium.
For both events we will be holding an evening dinner which will allow a unique opportunity for researchers to interact (#BRMEC8) and for researchers, clinicians and patient group representatives to sit together (#IIMEC13).
Now in its eighth year we will also introduce another level to the conference week events - the Young/Early Researchers’ Colloquium – Thinking the Future. With this event we hope to interest new or potential researchers into the field of biomedical research into ME - as well as young researchers- and aim to bring new thinking and new ideas and questions.
Opening Speaker at IIMEC13

We have invited the leader of the Labour party - the Rt. Hon. Jeremy Corbyn - to open the IIMEC13 International ME Conference on 1st June 2018.
The invitation has been accepted - pending confirmation around Mr Corbyn's schedule and dependent on political events at the time.
A Thank You card has been set up by our supporters and we welcome you to add your thanks for this gesture of support for ME.

Last Update 18/02/2018
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