National Institutes of Health, USA
Advancing Understanding of ME: Bridging Research and Clinical Treatment
The 16th Invest in ME Research International ME Conference 2024 - IIMEC16 - took place on 28th June 2024 at the Wellcome
Genome Campus near Cambidge, UK.
Taking place on the 28th of June 2024, IIMEC16 continued to
build on the foundation of our two-day researcher colloquium and continued our mission of bringing research and clinical expertise to bear
on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), setting the stage for impactful advancements in the field.
Research Leader, Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich Research Park, UK
Bhupesh Prusty currently works at the Institute for Virology and Immunobiology, University of Wuerzburg. Bhupesh does research in Microbiology and Virology. His current research focuses on ciHHV-6 reactivation and its clinical consequences.
The Tronstad Lab investigates cell metabolism and mitochondrial biology.
Dr Jesper Mehlsen graduated as a medical doctor in 1979 and finished his specialist training in 1990.
He has published more than 140 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals, mainly on the autonomic nervous system and more recently
on complex diseases possibly resulting form HPV-vaccination.
For more than 35 years, he has worked clinically and in research with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.
Such dysfunction may lead to symptoms from a number of different organs often dominated by diminished control of blood pressure
and heart rate.
Over the past 5 years, he has worked clinically and in research with patients who suspect side effects due to HPV vaccination to
be the cause of a number of symptoms, common to those seen in chronic ME.
Dr Mehlsen is co-chair of the European ME Research Group (EMERG).
Rowan has over 30 years of experience working in innovative businesses applying computational methods to life science and patient data to understand disease and find new medicines and treatments for unmet medical needs. She is an experienced entrepreneur and advisor to fast growing companies and is a Co-founder and Chief Business and Investment Officer of PrecisionLife, expanding precision medicine in chronic disease. She is also on the board of Digital Health and Care Wales a strategic health authority tasked with the digital transformation of NHS in Wales, and is responsible for oversight of the digital governance and safety committee. Rowan holds a Masters in biochemistry from the University of Oxford and played a part in one of the university's first spinouts, Oxford Molecular Group, when it listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1994. She collaborated with the pioneering team at CERN to disseminate the applications to cloud computing frameworks in healthcare and pharmaceutical research.
Carl Gunnar Gottschalk completed his BS in biology at Sierra Nevada College and MS in Biotechnology at Rush University Medical Center. He received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Rush University Medical Center. Dr. Gottschalk has been with Simmaron Research since its formation. Prior to attending graduate school, Dr. Gottschalk was the lead research coordinator for Sierra Internal Medicine and was responsible for the execution of several large multi-centered investigations in ME/CFS. In 2020, he was named the Foundation’s Executive Director. Since then, Dr. Gottschalk has served a dual role in the organisation as the Executive Director and Principal Investigator. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Gottschalk led Simmaron’s Local Response to COVID-19 Program in collaboration with Konstance Knox, PhD member of the Simmaron Scientific Advisory Board and CEO of Coppe Laboratories. This program provided free critical early access to COVID testing for residents of North Lake Tahoe, supported the development of the Simmaron COVID-19 Biobank and initiated a number of related research projects. At present, Dr. Gottschalk is the PI for Simmaron’s multi-centered clinical trial of Rapamycin in ME/CFS. His laboratory is located at the Indiana Center for Biomedical Innovation (ICBI) on the campus of the Indiana University Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, IN.
Ronald W. Davis, Ph.D., is a Professor of Biochemistry and Genetics at the Stanford School of Medicine in Stanford, California.
He is a world leader in the development of biotechnology, especially the development of recombinant DNA and genomic methodologies and their application to biological systems.
At Stanford University, where he is Director of the Stanford Genome Technology Center, Dr. Davis focuses on the interface of nano-fabricated solid state devices and biological systems.
He and his research team also develop novel technologies for the genetic, genomic, and molecular analysis of a wide range of model organisms as well as humans.
The team's focus on practical application of these technologies is setting the standard for clinical genomics.
The conference day was preceded by the 13th Invest in ME Research International
Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium - a two day closed researchers' meeting with
over forty of the major institutes from around the world were represented - from Europe, North America, Africa and Australasia.
The charity also initiated the European ME Research Group Early Career Researcher network - Young EMERG - and a workshop was held with delegates
attending from around the world.
These three days prior to the IIMEC16 conference brought together researchers (both new to ME and experienced ME researchers) to collaborate and share knowledge for the benefit of future research into this disease by enhancing education and effectiveness of research efforts.
The European ME Research Group held a planning meeting with NIH and USA researchers to develop applications for clinical trials for ME https://www.investinme.org/IIMER-newslet-20230301.shtml .
The Young European ME Research Group - #YoungEMERG group chaired another workshop for early career researchers https://www.youngemerg.com/yemerg04.shtml
We would like to thank and acknowledge the support of our conference sponsor.
IMET has helped with every conference that IiMER has arranged and this year will be no different.
They have been wonderful colleagues since 2006 - initiating the European ME Alliance (EMEA) which is now representing seventeen countries.
IMET also have a stake in the RESTORE_ME clinical trial due to their previous donation to our biomedical research fund.
Great friends, great partners.
Last Update 21/06/2024