#BRMEC8 - 8th International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 2018
Working Together To Enhance Research into ME

The 8th International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium takes place in London in May - designated #BRMEC8.
Together the BRMEC* colloquiums and IIMEC* conferences form a unique set of events which we have been delivering results.
Already the charity has extended invitations to researchers from fourteen countries.
This colloquium will be our eighth since we originated the idea of bringing existing ME researchers together in the same meeting as researchers from other disciplines in order to increase knowledge and generate more ideas for biomedical research projects which can expedite the search for biomarkers and establish causality.
For the 2018 we are very pleased to announce a new researcher to our Colloquium who will be attending and providing invaluable knowledge for the family of researchers we have gathered.
Last year we extended an invitation to Professor Heikki Hyöty, Professor of Virology from University of Tampere in Finland.
We are pleased to announce that Professor Hyöty has accepted.
A research group at the University of Tampere led by Professor Hyöty has long pioneered the development of a vaccine that could prevent Type 1 Diabetes.
Professor Hyöty has been leading several large scale international projects
relating to research into diabetes.
This research has been able to identify the enteroviruses belonging to the group B coxsackieviruses that are related to diabetes. A prototype vaccine has been developed to prevent these viruses.
This may have implications for ME - at least it is of interest as a sub-group of ME patients may have become ill due to enteroviruses.
In previous conferences and Colloquiums we have had presentations from Dr John Chia and from Professor Nora Chapman (click here) from University of Nebraska who have been involved in studying enteroviruses.
The work of Professor Hyöty's group was described in this article http://www2.uta.fi/en/news/story/preventive-vaccine-type-1-diabetes-be-studied-humans-first-time.
Professor Hyöty links
Latest Publications:
- Viskari H, Oikarinen S, Hoppu S, Vuorinen T, Huhtala H, Toppari J, Veijola R, Ilonen J, Knip M, Hyöty H
Live attenuated enterovirus vaccine (OPV) is not associated with islet autoimmunity in children with genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes: prospective cohort study.
Diabetologia ;2017
- Hankaniemi MM, Laitinen OH, Stone VM, Sioofy-Khojine A, Määttä JAE, Larsson PG, Marjomäki V, Hyöty H, Flodström-Tullberg M, Hytönen VP
Optimized production and purification of Coxsackievirus B1 vaccine and its preclinical evaluation in a mouse model.
Vaccine ;35(30)3718-3725, 2017
- Lin J, Kramna L, Autio R, Hyöty H, Nykter M, Cinek O
Vipie: web pipeline for parallel characterization of viral populations from multiple NGS samples.
BMC Genomics ;18(1)378, 2017
- Campbell-Thompson ML, Atkinson MA, Butler AE, Giepmans BN, von Herrath MG, Hyöty H, Kay TW, Morgan NG, Powers AC, Pugliese A, Richardson SJ, In't Veld PA
Re-addressing the 2013 consensus guidelines for the diagnosis of insulitis in human type 1 diabetes: is change necessary?
Diabetologia ;60(4)753-755, 2017
- Honkanen H, Oikarinen S, Nurminen N, Laitinen OH, Huhtala H, Lehtonen J, Ruokoranta T, Hankaniemi MM, Lecouturier V, Almond JW, Tauriainen S, Simell O, Ilonen J, Veijola R, Viskari H, Knip M, Hyöty H
Detection of enteroviruses in stools precedes islet autoimmunity by several months: possible evidence for slowly operating mechanisms in virus-induced autoimmunity.
Diabetologia ;60(3)424-431, 2017
- Kantola K, Hedman L, Tanner L, Simell V, Mäkinen M, Partanen J, Sadeghi M, Veijola R, Knip M, Ilonen J, Hyöty H, Toppari J, Simell O, Hedman K, Söderlund-Venermo M
Correction: B-Cell Responses to Human Bocaviruses 1-4: New Insights from a Childhood Follow-Up Study.
PLoS One ;12(2)e0172078, 2017
- Busse N, Paroni F, Richardson SJ, Laiho JE, Oikarinen M, Frisk G, Hyöty H, de Koning E, Morgan NG, Maedler K
Detection and localization of viral infection in the pancreas of patients with type 1 diabetes using short fluorescently-labelled oligonucleotide probes.
Oncotarget ;8(8)12620-12636, 2017
- Viisanen T, Ihantola EL, Näntö-Salonen K, Hyöty H, Nurminen N, Selvenius J, Juutilainen A, Moilanen L, Pihlajamäki J, Veijola R, Toppari J, Knip M, Ilonen J, Kinnunen T
Circulating CXCR5+PD-1+ICOS+ Follicular T Helper Cells Are Increased Close to the Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Children With Multiple Autoantibodies.
Diabetes ;66(2)437-447, 2017
- Seppälä E, Sillanpää S, Nurminen N, Huhtala H, Toppari J, Ilonen J, Veijola R, Knip M, Sipilä M, Laranne J, Oikarinen S, Hyöty H
Human enterovirus and rhinovirus infections are associated with otitis media in a prospective birth cohort study.
J Clin Virol ;2016
- Borges IC, Andrade DC, Cardoso MR, Toppari J, Vähä-Mäkilä M, Ilonen J, Knip M, Hyöty H, Veijola R, Simell O, Jartti T, Käyhty H, Ruuskanen O, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Natural Development of Antibodies against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis Protein Antigens during the First 13 Years of Life.
Clin Vaccine Immunol ;23(11)878-883, 2016
- Cinek O, Kramna L, Lin J, Oikarinen S, Kolarova K, Ilonen J, Simell O, Veijola R, Autio R, Hyöty H
Imbalance of bacteriome profiles within the Finnish Diabetes Prediction and Prevention study: Parallel use of 16S profiling and virome sequencing in stool samples from children with islet autoimmunity and matched controls.
Pediatr Diabetes ;2016
PMID- Sillanpää S, Oikarinen S, Sipilä M, Kramna L, Rautiainen M, Huhtala H, Aittoniemi J, Laranne J, Hyöty H, Cinek O
Moraxella catarrhalis Might Be More Common than Expected in Acute Otitis Media in Young Finnish Children.
J Clin Microbiol ;54(9)2373-9, 2016
PMID- Hyöty H
Viruses in type 1 diabetes.
Pediatr Diabetes ;2016
PMID- Sillanpää S, Sipilä M, Hyöty H, Rautiainen M, Laranne J
Antibiotic resistance in pathogens causing acute otitis media in Finnish children.
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol ;2016
PMID- Blazevic V, Malm M, Honkanen H, Knip M, Hyöty H, Vesikari T
Development and maturation of norovirus antibodies in childhood.
Microbes Infect ;18(4)263-9, 2016
- Mäkinen M, Mykkänen J, Koskinen M, Simell V, Veijola R, Hyöty H, Ilonen J, Knip M, Simell O, Toppari J
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in Children Progressing to Autoimmunity and Clinical Type 1 Diabetes.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab ;101(2)723-9, 2016
The BRMEC* colloquiums are a collaboration of international biomedical research into ME - with the objective of making progress.
To all the researchers coming to BRMEC8 we say welcome and thank you for participating.