Thinking the Future 1 London, 2018
29th May 2018
The first Young/ECRConference took place in London on 29th May 2018.
The conference aimed to increase international collaboration in research into ME by initiating a new network for young/ECR researchers.
Representation came from six countries and included experienced researchers from Oxford, Cambridge, Uppsala in Sweden, Columbia and Tufts in USA. The USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) was also represented.
TtF Conference Agenda 2018
Chair: Professor Jonas Blomberg, Uppsala University, Sweden
Professor Jonas Blomberg, Uppsala University, Sweden
University of Tromsø, Norway
Quadram Institute Bioscience, UK
Quadram Institute Bioscience, UK
University of Bergen, Norway
Charité, Berlin, Germany
Charité, Berlin, Germany
Catholic University of Valencia, Spain
Catholic University of Valencia, Spain
Rosen Group, Linköping University, Sweden
Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark
Montoya Group, Stanford, USA
Professor Jonas Blomberg
TtF Participants and Researchers
Last Update September 2018