Thinking the Future News
To support the development of the Thinking the Future for ME network the charity has decided to sponsor the lunch for the young and early career investigators, and their research advisors, at the Washington conference.
We wish to facilitate and maximise the easy networking of attendees in order to build the network in USA and join it with the established group of European young/ecr researchers.
So IiMER will be sponsoring the event by providing the lunch.
Dr Daniel Vipond from Quadram Institute will be speaking at the Washington TtF event and at the London TtF event in May.
The Washington event is described here - https://meetings.ninds.nih.gov/Home/Agenda/22837
As part of the collaborative work performed over the last year with NIH then RTL has produced the following ME/CFS Early Career Investigator Survey The purpose of this survey is to learn about junior researchers' perceived knowledge gaps, training and professional development needs, and helpful resources that may be important in supporting their research on ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome) and related conditions. and is available here - https://redcap.rti.org/mecfs/surveys/?s=94JADKFCPC
Establishing Thinking the Future for ME
IiMER has provided documentation and ideas to NIH and their collaborative centre, RTL, and a web site is being created for the Thinking the Future network.
This consolidates the work already performed and enables a focal point for TtF events and communications. IiMER plan on facilitating the communications between young/ecr researchers by assisting in new events, cross-site collaborations and visits and development of research opportunities.
We are pleased with the collaboration and cooperation between IiMER and NIH and believe this to be a major step in establishing the best research strategy for research into ME for the future.

The TtF Concept
The Thinking the Future Young/EarlyCareer Researchers network is an initiative created by Invest in ME Research
to encourage and support new and early career researchers to enter the field of ME.
The aim is to create a network of young and new researchers who can develop research and
bring new ideas and energy into this research area.
Our aim is to establish a community of young research talent across Europe and beyond.
The Thinking the Future conferences are research meetings organised by Invest in ME Research and NIH
to encourage biomedical research into ME and international collaboration amongst young and early career researchers.
This has been one of the main objectives of the charity.
In 2019 the Thinking the Future conference for young/early career researchers will encapsulate the need to bring in new faces and
new ideas to the field of ME research as well as provide a forum for networking for existing young/ecr researchers.
It will also allow medical students to become acquainted with the ongoing research into ME.

Taking TtF to the Next Level
Following the successful 2018 inaugural conference in London
the charity has been working with the USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) to
expand the Thinking the Future concept
and to grow the pool of young/ecr research talent by taking this event to Washington.
Over the last year we have been in conference calls with NIH and a Thinking the Future conference is being held on 3rd April 2019 in
the NIH complex in Bethesda, Washington.
This will augment the work already started and facilitate the development of collaboration between North American and European young and early
career researchers.
The Washington conference will be followed by the second Thinking the Future Conference in London in May.
Both events are now allocated a whole day.
The events are free for accepted participants who join this network.
Apply to Participate in Thinking the Future
Use the contact form below to apply to participate and to provide details of your research and why you wish to participate.
All applications will be considered by the committee responsible for planning the agenda.
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Please use the form here to submit an application to attend the Thinking the Future for ME conference.
You can also use this form if you have any questions regarding the this event
All submissions will receive a response and all applications will be considered by the committee responsible for planning the agenda.
Thank you for your interest in the conference.
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Last Update March 2019