Invest in ME Research GP Packs for Scotland
The charity has decided to make 25 copies of the IiME GP inorfmation pack available for Scotland.
We shall be distributing them to selected destinations - as advised by people in Scotland who will help identify the best place to send them.
The charity's hope is to help educate, influence and raise awareness in Scotland about this disease. We think this would be a good time to do this and it is important that ME awareness in Scotland is maintained and enhanced.
Currently we will prepare and distribute 25 examples.
Unfortunately the charity does not have the funds to distribute more as there are several projects in the pipeline which we are trying to fund - including the IIMEC8 conference.
As with other work we try to do this for free as much as we can but we have no possibility currently to fund all of the packs we would like to distribute across the UK. We hope this will change over time.
Our idea is to help the situation in Scotland as best we can and education is the best way to progress and improve the way people with ME and their families are treated.
We have asked notable ME advocates in Scotland to help us in choosing where these initial packs will go and we then hope to follow up in the future and maintain links to foster improved education.
We hope we can continue to distribute the IIMER information packs to all parts of the UK and, as with the Scottish information packs, will attempt to fund these ourselves as best we can.
See our research page - click here
The posters below are available from Invest in ME Research.

To download the poster click here for A4 or click here for LBM version