Representing Invest in ME Research in Washington
Recently Daniel Vipond attended the National Institutes of Health conferences in Washington, representing Invest in ME Research.
Daniel Vipond was the first IiMER funded PhD student, and the first crowdfunded PhD for ME - click here
Daniel attended the
second Thinking the Future Young/Early Career Investigator Workshop.
This event is an initiative started by Invest in ME Research with the inaugural event in London in May 2018.
Working with NIH over the last year this second conference attracted 40 young investigators to the meeting,
with almost twenty NIH support staff and experienced researchers joining them.
Daniel gave a presentation from Invest in ME Research to highlight what the charity is about (click here).
The Thinking the Future network is providing the basis for future research capacity for ME and bringing in new ideas and expertise into the field.
Daniel then attended the following two day public conference organised by NIH.
Whilst in Washington Daniel received news of his award of his Doctorship.
Quite appropriate as one of the speakers at the conference was Professor Jonas Bergquist from Uppsala University in Sweden.
Jonas has been associated with the Invest in ME Research Colloquiums and Conferences for many years and also assessed Daniel’s work in the PhD viva.
Daniel had such a good experience in Washington that he professed to not wishing to leave.
Later Daniel met Professor James Baraniuk whom he had invited to the Centre in Norwich following the BRMEC8/IIMEC13 conference events in 2018.
The Washington conference presentations can be seen on the NIH website at this address - click here.
IiMER welcome back the NIH and they will be playing a full role in ME Conference Week in London organised by the charity - click here.