IIMEC14 Video Presentations from the Conference

The 14th Invest in ME Research International ME Conference was held in London in May 2019 - #IIMEC14.
The event was one of eight events organised and hosted by the charity in London during #MEConferenceWeek2019 - a major achievement for a small charity.
These included a Young/Early Career Researchers conference, a two-day international Biomedical Research into ME (#BRMEC9) Colloquium, the international
conference and the European ME Alliance AGM.
Thsee events
enabled young and early career researchers to network, encouraged and facilitated international collaboration and sharing between researchers from around the world,
allowed networking and presentation of research for a community of researchers, clinicians, health care staff, patients and carers,
and developed more European patient group/charity collaboration.
Prior to the #IIMEC14 Dr Ian Gibson
gave the annual pre-conference dinner presentation to an audience of researchers (young and old), clinicians, patient group representatives, patients and carers and
friends and supporters of the charity.
Over the past decade and more Dr Gibson has been a true friend of people with ME and has supported the charity in developing the
foundations for the Centre of Excellence for ME.
Representatives from seventeen countries were present to hear Dr Gibson deliver this year's keynote speech in his redoubtable style.
The charity tries to do as much as possible to make progress in research into ME with the resources that we have.
Currently the charity is fund raising for a clinical trial at Quadram Institute as part of the strategy for developing the Centre of Excellence for ME.
Details are given below.
We welcome support to develop this initiative and others within the Centre of Excellence for ME in UK.

Bacteriotherapy and Clinical Trials - RESTORE-ME:
A Quadram Institute based Clinical Trial in ME
To undertake a study to determine the effectiveness of faecal microbiome transplantation as a treatment for ME: The RESTORE-ME study
Aim: To determine if there is a cause and effect relationship between a dysbiotic intestinal microbiota and ME by determining if treatment by FMT can resolve ME symptoms.
The charity received an application and this has gone through an independent peer-review process satisfactorily.
Following this the charity has pledged half of the required funding.
The charity and Quadram Institute are actively looking at ways to fund the remaining amount required.
This project harnesses practically all elements of the Centre of Excellence for ME and would be a showcase for ME clinical trial and research.