Invest in ME Research has won a £1,000 Movement for Good award thanks to nominations from the public.
Our thanks to all of our supporters who voted for the charity.
Invest in ME Research was nominated to win a £1,000 boost as part of specialist insurer Ecclesiastical's Movement for Good awards, which is giving £1 million to charities this summer.
The pandemic has forced cancellation of the normal in-person international conferences organised by the charity and necessitated a different approach
to providing news and information about our plans, projects, funded research and progress going forward.
Therefore the charity plans to use this donation to buy and maintain a meeting and webinar software licence that will enable us to organise virtual online events
across Europe in order to bring together more researchers, clinicians and patient groups thus facilitating the continuation of collaborations in research
and allowing us to continue to inform hundreds of thousands of people.
This will also avoid pausing the bringing together of international researchers - one of the key objectives of the charity.
This scheme will improve knowledge of ME in the research community and benefit patients in the long run.
The charity’s aims and objectives remain to promote and initiate collaborative research efforts so that ME patients have a future to look forward to.
Chairman Kathleen McCall commented -
“The charity is very grateful to Ecclesiastical for this wonderful initiative to help a small charity such as ours to make further progress in improving the research environment for ME.
To be one of the few charities selected amongst so many other deserving causes means something very special to us.
We also wish to thank all those who supported the charity with their nominations – and especially our wonderful supporters who have been responsible for changing the way that ME is perceived, researched and treated over the last fifteen years. Invest in ME Research has made great progress thanks to this support with initiatives being performed in areas such as–
arranging the premier annual world conference week for ME,
introducing a forum for young researchers,
establishing a family of international biomedical researchers,
initiating European ME Researchers and Clinicians Groups,
collaborating with an alliance of European patient organisations and charities,
proposing and facilitating the development of the foundations of the UK/European Centre of Excellence for ME
– and funding high-quality biomedical research that includes the only clinical trial being performed in the UK and one of only a couple occurring in Europe.
This demonstrates what a small charity with determination and resolve can achieve when supported by such wonderful supporters”.