Malvern College Student Council Donation
Malvern College is a co-educational school for pupils aged 13 - 18. Whilst maintaining the finest traditions the College is renowned for innovation and its forward-looking approach to education. Founded in 1865, Malvern is set in a beautiful 250 acre campus in the heart of England; an inspiring, supportive and friendly environment in which to educate children.
Below are some photographs of Malvern and the students responsible for the recent donation to Invest in ME. The students are the Malvern College Student Council who perform a great deal of fund raising as part of their role. (The numbers after their names refer to which boarding house they belong to).
For the second year running the Malvern College Student Council decided to support Invest in ME. They did this despite other urgent causes, such as the Haiti earthquake, also being a candidate for support.
The students and staff and parents associated with Malvern College can know that the generosity and efforts of the Malvern students has enabled Invest in ME to support directly biomedical research into ME.
The research strategy brings hope to patients who would not otherwise be included in research and offers some hope that they will benefit directly from the results of the research.
On behalf of these and other patients Invest in ME wish to thank the Malvern College Student Council, and all those who contributed to raising funds for Invest in ME.