Fundraising for IiMER
Raising Awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
in European

IiME Newslett April 2015: Running 28 European Marathons - in the name of Friendship
Mike Harley in Europe - @MikesEUmaras
Mike Harley is raising awareness of ME and raising funds for Invest in ME Research’s biomedical research fund
by running a marathon in every EU country (currently 28 in total).
His first challenge was the Prague marathon.
Look at the table below to see Mike's next EU marathon.
Mike is doing this because one of his oldest friends, Ian, has been suffering from ME for over 9 years and has been unable to work or lead a normal life.
This is a great example of friendship.
And this is not the only occasion Mike has supported his friend in this way.
Last year Mike, with a group of friends, took part in a very different challenge for the charity (92 football grounds in 92 hrs) managing to reach over 10 million people (through TV, Press and the football community) and raising nearly £5K for the charity's attempt to begin the UK Rituximab clinical trial.
Throughout this project Mike met and talked to ME sufferers and their families and this has had a very profound effect on his decision to attempt this new challenge.
Mike will be taking the EU ME Marathon flag with him around Europe.
Please support Mike in this formidable effort by helping publicise this and the associated JustGiving page -
More details will appear on Twitter, Facebook and on the Mike's web site - links below.
Funds raised will go directly to vital biomedical research into ME and the development of the UK Centre of Excellence for ME.
Together with other high-quality biomedical research which the charity is funding at UEA/Quadram Institute Bioscience and
with international collaborations being formed, especially with the European ME Research Group (EMERG), we believe
there is a unique chance of establishing world-class facilities
for creating treatments and cures for this disease.
To donate to Mike Harley's Fundraising click on the logo here -