Centre of Excellence for ME Executive Summary Document Update
We have updated the Executive Summary for MPs regarding our Centre of Excellence for ME [1].
This now has some additional text that will describe what has been achieved and illustrates the huge potential for rapidly developing research from a existing, solid foundation of research that has developed over the last ten years.
When looking to develop the best way forward for research and treatment for ME then the existing work that has been performed for establishing this UK/European base needs to be supported, and funded.
Included in the links is a reference to a document that we have input to the recent UK Clinical Research Collaboration ME/CFS Research Working Group initiative, to which were invited to participate some time after it had begun, and after documentation on its objectives had already been decided.
This document [2] describes our view that any initiative to improve research into ME should take what we already have developed and build on that rather than begin from nothing and propose a wish list of items that may never find support or funding.

The key to everything is research.
The best way to rapidly improve capacity and collaboration for research is to build on the centre in Norwich which has all of the necessary components and which are all coming together with the
UK's only clinical trial for ME - RESTORE_ME [3].
As we wrote in this article [4] "we need to acknowledge from years of experience that we cannot wait
and expect others to act - we have to start some things ourselves and demonstrate what, and how
to do things."
That has been done.
Let us use it.